Giving back to
the community

Horne Coupar LLP has a demonstrated commitment to the community it serves. It is proud to be the first law firm in Canada to join the environmental organization, 1% For The Planet, and has contributed over $600,000 since 2007. This is a global initiative of companies that donate 1% of their sales to a network of environmental organizations. When deciding which charities to allocate our contributions to, we strive to ensure that we are supporting local charities that will have a direct impact on our community and the people we serve on a daily basis.
The firm provides sponsorship to a wide variety of local charitable events, including recently the Victoria Art Gallery’s Art in Bloom, the Arthritis Society’s Swimathon, and Eric Charman’s Birthday Party for the Victoria Symphony. Horne Coupar LLP has also been a staunch supporter of the arts over the years, most recently sponsoring the past two seasons of Dance Victoria.
Individually, the lawyers of Horne Coupar LLP offer their own time and expertise to a wide range of non profit organizations, including: the Victoria Hospital Foundation; the Broadmead Care Society; the Garth Homer Society; the Pacific Opera Foundation; Sierra Club of BC Foundation; The Land Conservancy of British Columbia; the Centre on Aging at the University of Victoria; and the Honorary Governor of the Victoria Foundation.
Individually and as a group, the lawyers at Horne Coupar LLP are dedicated to educating the public on legal matters. Firm members are regularly invited to speak at conferences and to community and professional groups about estate planning, trusts, incapacity planning and other related topics. The firm has sponsored and participated in several annual “Elder Care” lecture series.
Please take a look at our News Section to learn about some of the great charitable and community events Horne Coupar LLP has recently participated in. Some recent events include: Horne Coupar LLP and 1% for the Planet as hosts at the Legacy Art Gallery, Victoria Foundation’s 75th Anniversary, CIBC Run for the Cure, Victoria Brain Tumour Walk, CNIB Eye Appeal Art Event, and the Breakfast to Remember – Alzheimer Society of B.C.